Dr. Kyra Belan
Dr. Kyra Belan, BFA, MFA, and Ed. D., has been featured in numerous publications, and is a frequent presenter at art and art history conferences including CAA (College Art Association). She has exhibited for over three decades in art venues in Florida, across the US and abroad, and her art is featured in numerous public and private collections. Belan is the Otto M. Burkhardt Endowed Chair and professor of art and art history emerita at Broward College FL. Her books include The Virgin in Art, Parkstone Press, translated to French, Spanish and German, and her books are also available on Amazon Books. She is currently working on a new edition of Earth, Myths, and Ecofeminist Art that features her long career in the arts and includes drawings, paintings, installation, performance, land art and conceptual works. She is a member of Ceres Gallery, NY and also can be contacted at kyrabelan@hotmail.com.
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This book is about feminist, social and political art by Kyra Belan and a record of her solo exhibition at Ceres Gallery, New York. Her works include paintings, drawings in colored pencils, textual and mixed media.
Symbolic Magic is a full color catalog of ninety two pages and a record of the installation of paintings and drawings that were created specifically for the unique space of the historic building in Fort Myers, the Sidney and Berne Art Center.
This book describes mythical, legendary, and divine women from all over the world that have become an iconic presence within the American culture.
Earth, Myths, and Ecofeminist Art is a contemporary art history book that documents Kyra Belan’s art. She is a post modern artist who is interested in equal rights for women, ecological issues, and animal rights.